Hardshelled Gourds


Marilyn created a birdhouse from a dipper gourd with pyrography on it and a decorative copper wreath around the opening. And she also did the beautiful natural coloured gourd vase with fancy cut outs and bright blue inside.



Works in progress with long neck dipper gourds and apple gourds.Adding a seagrass binding as a decorative element.



Apple gourd with fancy lid cut out and seagrass binding. Apple gourd with acrylic painted designs. Haliburton School of the Arts 2006



 A round WARTY GOURD with cut out decorative lid feature. And a long curved handle dipper gourd with fancy cut outs.



 A REAL FUNKY MASK from part of a long handle dipper gourd. Masks with feathers and beads. Gourd Mask Class at the Gourd Festival 2005